CB9 Penjamin 1,1 ml
CB9 Penjamin 1,1 ml
CB9 Penjamin 1,1 ml
CB9 Penjamin 1,1 ml

CB9 Penjamin 1,1 ml

Standardna cijena €42,00 Prodajna cijena €39,00

Koliko dugo to traje?

Dugovječnost CB9 Vape je impresivna. Svaki je uređaj projektiran za isporuku približno 500 udisaja, ovisno o veličini svakog udisaja. Ovaj robusni kapacitet čini CB9 Vape dugotrajnim izborom za obične korisnike. Što se tiče ekvivalentnosti, jedan CB9 Vape je otprilike odgovara 10-12 grama redovnog korova. Ovaj izračun temelji se na učinkovitosti isparavanja i snazi ​​formulacije CB9, nudeći prikladnu i moćnu alternativu tradicionalnim metodama.

Ima li psihoaktivne učinke?

Da, CB9 Vape dizajniran je s istim psihoaktivnim učincima koji se obično povezuju s THC-om. Korisnici mogu očekivati ​​slično senzorno poboljšanje i euforiju, pružajući duboko opuštajuće i ugodno iskustvo. Formulacija koja se koristi u CB9 Vape podovima pažljivo je izrađena kako bi se osigurao postojan i zadovoljavajući psihoaktivni učinak, što ga čini idealnim izborom za one koji traže dobrobiti i iskustva slična THC-u.

Što je CB9?

CB9 je revolucionarni kanabinoid biljnog porijekla, sličan THC-u po svojim psihoaktivnim učincima. Dobiven izravno iz prirode, ovaj spoj nudi autentično iskustvo poput THC-a uz dodatnu prednost prirodnog porijekla. CB9 korisnicima pruža poznat, ali izrazito čist i profinjen osjećaj, postavljajući novi standard u uživanju kanabinoida.

THC protiv CB9

U dinamičnom svijetu zakonitosti kanabinoida, CB9 se pojavljuje kao legalna alternativa THC-u. Njegov nedostatak karakterističnog mirisa velika je prednost u odnosu na tradicionalne proizvode od kanabisa, privlačan onima koji žele dobrobiti kanabinoida bez prepoznatljivog mirisa trave. CB9 također donosi jedinstvene prednosti uključujući glatko iskustvo i prikladnost za različite stilove života.

Što je unutra?

Weedorizers sadrže pomno izrađenu mješavinu kanabinoida:

  • CB9: Glavni sastojak koji pruža primarni psihoaktivni učinak.
  • CBN: Ovaj kanabinoid mješavini dodaje umirujuća svojstva.
  • 7% terpena: Ove prirodne esencije pojačavaju okus i miris, obogaćujući cjelokupno iskustvo.

Zašto odabrati nas?

Naša predanost kvaliteti je najvažnija. Svaka serija Weedorizers podvrgava se strogom testiranju čistoće i jakosti, čime se osigurava siguran i postojan proizvod. Prioritet nam je transparentnost i odgovornost, pazeći da naši vape zadovoljavaju najviše industrijske standarde. Odabir Weedorizersa znači odlučiti se za pouzdano i vrhunsko iskustvo vapinga.

Mjere predostrožnosti

Odgovornost je ključna kada uživate u Weedorizers. Držite podalje od djece i kućnih ljubimaca i posavjetujte se sa zdravstvenim radnicima ako imate zdravstvenih problema ili uzimate druge lijekove. Uvijek se pridržavajte lokalnih zakona koji se odnose na upotrebu kanabinoida, konzumirajte umjereno i izbjegavajte upravljanje strojevima ili vozilima kada ste pod utjecajem.

Otkrijte vrhunac iskustva s kanabinoidima biljnog podrijetla s Weedorizers.

How Long Does It Last?

The longevity of the CB9 Vape is impressive. Each device is engineered to deliver approximately 500 puffs, depending on the size of each inhale. This robust capacity makes the CB9 Vape a long-lasting choice for regular users. In terms of equivalency, one CB9 Vape is roughly equivalent to 10-12 grams of regular weed. This calculation is based on the efficiency of vaporization and the potency of the CB9 formulation, offering a convenient and potent alternative to traditional methods.


Lemon Haze is a sativa marijuana strain that smells and tastes like fresh peeled lemon slices. Lemon Haze is made by crossing Lemon Skunk with Silver Haze. Its buds appear to be green and yellow with amber hairs on the trichomes, giving it the yellow tint. 

Strawberry Diesel is a cross between NYC Diesel and Strawberry Cough is a true hybrid. Providing consumers with a well-balanced experience, relaxes their muscles while creating an energizing, clear-headed sensation. If you’re looking for help with insomnia and would like to get things done, Strawberry Diesel may be your perfect match. Great for both daytime and nighttime use, this strain is incredibly versatile. Novice consumers should be cautious with it, however, as it is fast-acting and intense.  Taking after both of its parents, this strain also features a fruity scent while providing a thick, diesel-like taste.

Blueberry, also known as "Berry Blue," is an indica marijuana strain made by crossing Purple Thai with Thai. A true A-List cannabis strain, Blueberry’s legendary status soared to new heights after claiming the High Times’ Cannabis Cup 2000 for Best indica. The long history of the strain goes back to the late 1970s when American breeder DJ Short was working with a variety of exotic landrace strains. However, throughout the decades of Blueberry’s cultivation, the genetics have been passed around, due in large part to DJ Short working with multiple seed banks and breeders. The sweet flavors of fresh blueberries combine with relaxing effects to produce a long-lasting sense of euphoria. Many consumers utilize the effects of Blueberry to help contend with pain and stress, while connoisseurs and growers admire the strain for its colorful hues and great flavor.

Does It Have Psychoactive Effects?

Yes, the CB9 Vape is designed with the same psychoactive effects commonly associated with THC. Users can expect a similar sensory enhancement and euphoria, providing a deeply relaxing and enjoyable experience. The formulation used in CB9 Vape pods is carefully crafted to ensure a consistent and satisfying psychoactive effect, making it an ideal choice for those seeking the benefits and experiences akin to THC.

What is CB9?

CB9 is a revolutionary plant-derived cannabinoid, akin to THC in its psychoactive effects. Sourced directly from nature, this compound offers an authentic, THC-like experience with the added benefit of being naturally occurring. CB9 provides users with a familiar yet distinctly pure and refined sensation, setting a new standard in cannabinoid enjoyment.


THC vs CB9

In the dynamic world of cannabinoid legality, CB9 emerges as a legal alternative to THC. Its absence of a distinctive odor is a major advantage over traditional cannabis products, appealing to those who desire the benefits of cannabinoids without the recognizable smell of weed. CB9 also brings unique benefits including a smoother experience and suitability for diverse lifestyles.

What is Inside?

Weedorizers contain a meticulously crafted blend of cannabinoids:

  • CB9: The main ingredient, delivering the primary psychoactive impact.
  • CBN: This cannabinoid adds calming properties to the mix.
  • 7% Terpenes: These natural essences enhance the flavor and aroma, enriching the overall experience.

Why Choose Us?

Our dedication to quality is paramount. Each Weedorizers batch undergoes strict testing for purity and potency, ensuring a safe and consistent product. We prioritize transparency and responsibility, making sure our vapes meet the highest industry standards. Choosing Weedorizers means opting for a trustworthy and premium vaping experience.


Responsibility is key when enjoying Weedorizers. Keep away from children and pets, and consult with healthcare professionals if you have health concerns or are on other medications. Always abide by local laws regarding cannabinoid use, consume in moderation, and avoid operating machinery or vehicles when under the influence.

Što je Blinker izazov?

Bliknker je kada svjetlo na stražnjoj strani vapea počne treptati. Za dovršetak ovog izazova trebate napraviti samo jedan Blinker, što može biti iznimno teško, zbog gustog dima koji proizvodi vape.

Težina Blinkera također ovisi o kvaliteti vapea i sastojcima vapea. Najtvrđi su oni koji su jaki do 90%+ i imaju nizak otpor i visok napon da proizvode puno dima.

Ako se stvarno želite testirati i pronaći svoju granicu, probajte to. Iznenadit ćete se kakve filinge možete doživjeti nakon samo jednog udarca.
